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Worship FAQ

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever."

(1 Chronicles 16:34)


Click on the frequently asked questions below to find out more.

General questions

What can I expect at the 9:30am Sunday Service?
Our principle service starts at 9:30am on Sunday morning and the first thing you can expect is a warm welcome at the door. We are a tradtional catholic Anglican church. We start our service by reconnecting with God, then listening to Bible readings and a message based on the reading is preached, and we then share in bread and wine. We then move to the annexe where coffee and tea is served, which provides a great opportunity to catch up with friends and make new ones.
What can I expect at the 8am Sunday Service?
Our service starts at 8am with the low lighting except in the chapel. When you arrive please collect a red service booklet and make your way to the chapel. We start in silence, then listen to Bible readings and a message based on the reading is preached, and we then share in bread and wine. There is no music during the service.
What makes gathering together on a Sunday important?

Church - that building that people go to on a Sunday morning, but that's not what church actually is. It's about meeting together as a group of people and being a community together.

Hear what we think about church and what it means to us:

I have kids – is there anything for them?

Children of all ages are welcome. For children in KS1 and KS2 we have our Childrens Church that meets in the annexe to the church on the first, second and fourth of the month. The rest of the time we usually have colouring or some other activity at the back of the church. 

Kids are noisy and when we gather as a family on a Sunday we know that. So don't feel your kids have to be completely silent!

We do have baby changing facilities.

What provision for parking is there?

There is plenty of parking at the Church. On Sundays you can also park in Church Hill Hospital car park accross the road.

I have a disability

We aim to be as accommodating as possible for those with special needs. You can park on the road directly outside the church, alternatively in our car park. The service takes place in the church reached by a gravel path and a small step. Ramped access is availiable through the annexe. There are WC facilities for those using wheelchairs.

What should I wear?

Please feel free to wear whatever is most comfortable for you. Most people choose to wear smart casual.

Is there music? Do you sing?

At our 9:30am service we have an organist and a choir (there is no choir in August or the first Sunday after Easter and Christmas). We sing traditional congregational hymns during the service. If you don't like to sing then our 8am service is for you as there is no music. Equally our evening prayer service at 6pm has no music, except on the first sunday of the month.

Will I be expected to make a donation?

We do take an offering during the service as part of our worship. However, we do not expect our guests to make any contribution, unless of course you wish to. The money offering is an act of worship and is therefore another way for Christians to show their love for Jesus by supporting the work of His church. No one is going to judge you if you do no not putting anything in. You may of course contribute if you wish and many make their donation regularly through direct debit or through a one off electric donation. We can take contactless donations.

I'm not Church of England (Anglican), will I be welcome?

If you have no faith then you are welcome. If you have a little faith then you are welcome. If you have faith then you are welcome.

If you are of a different trinitarian denomination (Methodist, Baptist, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, etc) you are absolutely most welcome to worship with us. To share in the bread and wine in Church though you must be baptised and in good standing with your own Church. If you want to attend more regularly please do speak to the Rector.


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