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"A lover of training is a lover of knowledge"

(Proverbs 12:1)

Included in this section you will find:


 Medical - Adult

 Medical - Baby

 Safety and Security


Here is some of the e-learning for our volunteers and staff, as well as you if you would like. We may ask you to do one or more of the following to help keep our community safe and secure. If you have been asked to watch or complete some of the training, do remember to tell the Churchwardens or Rector so we can make a note of when you completed it.




This training is provided to ensure all volunteers are aware of safeguarding obligations in the church.

Please click here to access the Church of England Safeguarding e-Learning Portal. You will need to create an account to enroll if you have not done so. The training is free.

Safeguarding Training Portal


Medical - Adult


Below are some videos that show how to respond to a medical emergency within the Church. This section is related to adults.


How to do the Primary Survey



The Recovery Position 



How to do CPR on an Adult



How to Use a Defibrillator (AED)



Medical - Baby


Below are some videos that show how to respond to a medical emergency within the Church. This section is related to baby's.


Baby Primary Survey



How to Put Your Baby in the Recovery Position



How to Give Baby CPR



Security and Safety


Security and Safety is important in our Church. This online training is encouraged for everyone.



Please click here to access the ACT Awareness e-Learning. You will need to create an account to enroll if you have not done so. The training is free.

ACT Awareness e-Learning

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